On Monday we went to the immersion assembly for term two where we found out that our topic was called Dino-might and we are learning about dinosaurs.
When we got to the hall we sat down in two lines then Mrs.Jarman was talking to us about what topic we are learning about for this term.Mrs.Jarmon asked Blessing to tell Mr.Burt was coming soon.When Blessing went to ask Mr.Burt he came in jumping around and took Feki's hand and dragged him down to the end of the hall.And whacked him on the head and his back then he went back and took Tyler by the hand and dragged him by the hand and took him to the front of the hall.The whole school was laughing even the teachers and Adults.
Mr.Burt shouted out,''Term 2 Dino-might team1#.The teachers in team1 are Mrs.Wild,Mrs.Katu,Mrs.Georege and Ms.Lal.They made a video clip about dinosaurs and they made a sign that said 'They're Not Extinct(yet)',Then they finished.Mr.Burt called out the same thing but he said team 2 instead.The teachers in team two are Ms.Va'afusuaga,Mrs.She,Ms.Glaze.And there Item was a rap about dinosaurs names.Then Mr.Burt said"Term Two Team 3",The teachers in Team 3 are Ms.Garden,Ms.Walters and Mrs McKinley. There Item was being paleontologist and pretending to dig up in the hall and find dinosaurs fossils.Then it was team 4's tern and the teachers in team 4 are Ms Squires,Mr.Palmer,Mrs.Nua,Mrs.King. And there Item was a video Clip about dinosaurs and they are a live and they were dreaming of it.Then Mr.Burt grabbed Levi's hand and dragged him across the hall too.Then Mr.Burt said ,"Dino-Might E-Learning group".And in the teachers in the E-Learning group is Mrs.Tele'a and Mrs.Burt and there item was a video clip too.When the video clip ended the music went on and we all went to our class rooms and did our original things.