After a while I saw Miss Wild and she told us to over take them so I over took them she said good on you Jarna keep going your doing great.I was Beside Chelsea then I over took her and some other girls then I slowed down and they over took me so I carried on and was still going plus my arms and legs were failing every were then I past them. Inside my body my lungs were screaming so I asked my self,"Your wheezing Jarna your exhausted can you continue running?"So I am doing it I'm reaching the last teacher.
There I was passing the teachers and passed the last teacher and I was in the school grounds again and I passed Mrs Tele'a and through the play ground and crossed the finish line beating Seini Mino and finishing with determination and perseverance also thirsty.
In the end I felt sore and I was felling good about my self and the place I came was 9th and last year I came 10th to last.
Here's a quick question do you think I can play guitar very good? PLEASE answer that.